Media » Images


COVIPRO-CH, 5-10-09


CHANGERs March for Housing, In Tennessee, USA, 2-10-09

CHANGERs March for Housing

CHANGERs March for Housing, Tennessee, USA

CHANGERs March for Housing

CHANGERs March for Housing, Tennessee 02-10-2009

CHANGERs March for Housing

CHANGERs March for Housing, Tennessee 5-10-2009

CHANGERs March for Housing

COVIPRO-CH, octubre 2009

COVIPRO-CH, octubre 2009

riunione Mosca ottobre 2009

Participants talked about perspectives of collaboration between russian housing movement and international one

Ottolini, Mosca, ottobre 2009

IAI Coordinator and Adviser of UN-Habitat

Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, USA, 02-10-2009

Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign

USA, Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign 02-10-2009

Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign