Case From Argentina, Buenos Aires: Evictions and gentrification in the historic and tourist neighbourhood La Boca
The neighbourhood of La Boca, located in the south of the City of Buenos Aires, has a cultural uniqueness and tourist attractions recognised at an international level. Over the last few years the community has suffered increasing forced eviction processes.
Natalia Gimena Quinto
Carolina Sticotti
Gabriela Eroles
Organisation: Grupo de Vivienda y Hábitat de La Boca en La Boca Resiste y Propone Buenos Aires - Argentina
Location: Neighborhood of La Boca
Evicted: Families
Number of Evicted: 2500
- Women: 30%
- Children: 50%
Organisations Mobilized: Through the Housing and Habitat Group in La Boca Resiste y Propone, links of collaboration and solidarity are established between the evictees and the following institutions and organizations:
- Centro de Salud y Acción Comunitaria N° 41
- Centro de Salud y Acción Comunitaria N° 9
- Centro Social de Salud, Servicio Social del Hospital Argerich
- Servicio Social Zonal N°4 dependiente del Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano y Hábitat
- Escuelas del Distrito Escolar N°4
- Consejo Consultivo de la Comuna 4
- Asesoría General Tutelar Descentralizada
- Agrupación Vecinos de La Boca
- Periódico Sur Capitalino
- Radio Gráfica
- FM Riachuelo
- Comedores barriales: Capullitos, Copitos y Pancitas llenas corazón contento
- Artistas locales
- Programa ATAJO, Ministerio Público Fiscal, Procuración General de la Nación.
- Defensoría de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Ministerio Público de la Defensa.
- Dirección de Orientación al Habitante, Ministerio Público de la Defensa.
- Defensoría General de la Nación, Área de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales.
- Observatorio por el Derecho a la Ciudad
Legal Action: Yes
Historical : Habitat and Housing group in La Boca resists and proposes
The neighbourhood of La Boca, located in the south of the City of Buenos Aires, has a cultural uniqueness and tourist attractions recognised at an international level. Over the last few years the community has suffered increasing forced eviction processes.
La Boca is, and always has been, a neighbourhood characterised by its' diversity. It has a rich historical heritage, architecturally and in the intangible landscape. This can be seen in the colourful houses made of wood and metal sheets that are known as "conventillos" and in the people and social groups that reside there. This heritage is today at risk due to the effect of touristic and real estate speculation, aimed at setting up a "new town" according to projects proposed by public/private investors. Driving the speculative process and expulsion is the policy of Economic Districts, which in the case of La Boca takes shape in the District of Arts, formed as of the enactment of Law Nº 4353 of the City.
With the implementation of this regulation, the establishment of real estate investments is promoted, sustained and supported economically by the State, prioritising the profit from them over human rights protection for those living in the neighbourhood. It breaches article Nº 29 of the Arts District law, law Nº 2240, article Nº 31 of the Constitution of the city of Buenos Aires and over 12 agreements and international conventions to which Argentina endorses that guarantee the right to adequate housing. All of this has cumulated in the displacement of at least 1,100 neighbours in 2016, 96 evictions trials which are being accompanied by the Group.
Because of this, we understand that adapting public housing policy is a necessary part of the process. This is evident in the subjugation of programmes that offer credit for a single dwelling, the inexistence of programmes for refurbishment and property improvement resulting in administrative evictions, and the absence of prevention programmes, protocols and action plans for fires and building collapses.
In this context, the Housing and Habitat Group in La Boca resists and proposes to carry out a set of territorial strategies in order to benefit the construction by social demand for the right to adequate housing for the population of the La Boca neighborhood. The group is made up of representatives from social organisations, politicians, workers from public institutions and neighbours who contribute from their own distinct experiences; the demand is channelled from varying places of institutional nature and from territorial organisations which makes it possible to reach all areas and different levels of the conflict.
Strategies are grouped into four themes:
- Lobbying / sueing the three powers of the State of the city: the Executive power (work tables, demands for implementation of public policy, etc.); the judicial branch (intervention within the framework of the proceedings for eviction, lawsuits linked to the right to the City) and the legislative branch (project of law's statement of the emergency housing in the neighbourhood of La Boca. CABA rentals Act project
- Various territory actions: accompaniment of the organisational process of the neighbours and advice in situations of eviction; interventions in emergencies (fires and building collapses); organisation and accompaniment in the processes of land ownership regulation; advice on abusive rents and collective management of home improvements.
- Visibility and denunciation actions: artistic interventions in public space, participation in seminars and forums, putting on agenda of the housing problem in various media, etc.
- Systematisation and training: production of documents, internal trainings and for other stakeholders.
The Institutions/Persons responsible for this evictions
Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Sr. Horacio Rodriguez Larreta
Instituto de Vivienda de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (IVC)
Presidente: Sr. Juan Ignacio Maquieyra
Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Económico
Subsecretario: Sr. Pablo Patricio Giampieri
Director General de Distritos Económicos
Director: Sr. Juan Manuel Seco
Distrito de las Artes
Coordinadora: Sra. Luciana Salvá
We affirm that we must continue to resist the expulsion inflicted upon us due to bad policies, because our need to live with dignity is not requested, nor is it managed, nor discussed, much less with those who are bearing a later similar violation of our primary and human rights. This is why we propose that every action that we carry forward is with everyone and for everyone, with the pretentious intention of someday living in a neighborhood, a city, a country, a world, that’s a little fairer.
Algunos de los proyectos que impactan directamente sobre el territorio son:
Dique 0:
Corredor del Bajo: ...
Usina de las Artes:
Paseo de las Artes:
Paseo de La Ribera:
Experiencia Necochea:
Estadio Shopping del Club Boca Jrs.:
Paseo Garibaldi:
Color BA:
Ley de Distrito de las Artes
Leyes locales
Constitución de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires:
Ley 2240 CABA:
Ley 341 CABA:
Fallo Casa Amarilla:
En el siguiente link se encuentran georreferenciados los juicios de desalojo en curso:
Video campaña Los Despojados:
Video de intervención artística en Caminito:
Video de Jorge “Piquete” Herrera habla sobre la problemática de vivienda:
Notas periodísticas
Noticiero El faro TV: